Assess progress. Assign assistance.

Assign tutoring in GoGuardian Teacher based on in-the-moment student progress. Think of it like an extra set of helping hands in the classroom to guide students toward success.
Pear Deck Tutor
GoGuardian Teacher logo.
looping GoGuardian Teacher sample dashboard.
two sample student cards.

Make a bigger impact on students

Give teachers and students extra help with the combined power of GoGuardian Teacher and Pear Deck Tutor for on-demand tutoring that’s tailored to every assignment and student.

  • GoGuardian Teacher

    Use GoGuardian Teacher's real-time information for differentiated instruction to see which students need more support and which ones need a challenge.
  • Pear Deck Tutor

    With Pear Deck Tutor's 1:1 online support, students can get support from expert tutors in whatever areas they need, in class and at home.

Paired up for student progress

Give educators and students alike targeted support, whenever they need it, with GoGuardian Teacher and Pear Deck Tutor.

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