Educators are very well aware of the fact mental health is a significant concern among young people. Schools have developed a myriad of strategies to help support mental health, but it is frequently difficult to obtain data related to the success of those strategies. The new Student Check-Ins feature in GoGuardian Teacher can now assist teachers in collecting data related to the current emotional states of their students. This information can help schools identify those who may need extra support, or assist in determining the level of effectiveness of existing interventions.
Simplifying emotional support
Schools strive to utilize data-driven interventions, but data related to emotional well-being is usually difficult and time-consuming to obtain. Adding a data point that is easily accessible can enable schools to utilize their current structures to effectively support students both academically and emotionally. The feature can be used how and when it is best for each classroom, therefore enabling educators to efficiently assess the emotional climate in their classroom and adjust accordingly.

A streamlined tool for more efficient check-ins
In a climate where schools are quickly trying to address Learning gaps as well as mental health concerns, it is imperative educational technology companies serve as partners with school districts to provide genuinely helpful tools. GoGuardian recognizes teachers want to help address mental health concerns, but do not have the time to visit individually with each student and cover the curriculum material in their classes. The Student Check-Ins feature provides an avenue for teachers to do both.

Using data responsibly and effectively
There are a few ways schools can utilize this feature to complement their existing structures related to emotional wellbeing. For example:
- Data could be correlated and tracked over time to determine trends.
- Check-Ins could be deployed before and after emotional regulation intervention strategies to determine the impact on a learner’s emotional state.
- Teachers could utilize the Student Check-Ins feature to determine if they need to deploy an emotional regulation strategy prior to presenting new or difficult material.
It is a well known fact that emotionally regulated brains learn best. Dysregulated brains have difficulty Learning and retaining information. However, it can be difficult to determine when students are regulated or dysregulated. The Student Check-Ins feature helps teachers make that determination and adjust to meet the needs of the day — or each student.
For step-by-step instructions to get started with Student Check-Ins, be sure to check out our Help article.