March 19, 2020

Providing Learning Continuity During School Closures

Advait Shinde
The words "Providing Learning Continuity During School Closures" on a light blue background

Dear Educators,

In response to many of our schools and districts closing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we want to reassure you that we’re here to support you and your school community in every way we can.

Here's what we are doing:

  • If you’re not a current GoGuardian customer, we’re offering free, full-functional access to GoGuardian’s entire suite of tools through the end of the school year. This includes at-home web filtering, classroom management, device management, and student safety tools to support you as you transition to remote Learning. New users can deploy in as little as 15 minutes.
  • Current GoGuardian customers can receive free access to additional tools, and we’re happy to expand license counts temporarily as needed.

We’ve put together some resources to help you prepare for remote Learning and sending devices home with students:

Our support team is available to help if you have additional questions about best practices or technical implementation. Contact GoGuardian Support.

To get set up with one or more GoGuardian solutions, call us at 888-310-9104.

Thanks for letting us be part of your classroom.

Advait Signature

Advait Shinde
CEO & Co-Founder
