January 16, 2020

GoGuardian Teacher for Microsoft Edge debuts at BETT

Partnerships Team
Logos of GoGuardian, Microsoft, and Bett next to the words Microsoft Partner and Education Specialist

Here at GoGuardian, we have been working tirelessly over the past year on a solution that we’re thrilled to showcase at BETT in London next week. Together with Microsoft, our engineering teams have been working closely together to bring GoGuardian Teacher™, our classroom management software, to Windows 10 enthusiasts using our native host and browser extension built for the new Microsoft Edge! Our shared goal reflected perfectly in Microsoft’s mission statement: “Empowering every student on the planet to achieve more.”

Together, we are striving to operationalize that statement by empowering teachers who use Windows 10 devices and prefer the accessibility features conveniently baked into Microsoft Edge— to differentiate instruction and innovate pedagogy, all while feeling confident that they can effectively manage their classrooms in the process.

Learn more about GoGuardian for Windows 10 here, and get a firsthand look at the tool at BETT in Booth NF30. You can also find us at the Solution Showcase on Thursday, January 23 @ 1:30 in room Platinum Suite 7.


During our Solution Showcase session at BETT, we will be telling our shared story through the lens of one of our customers, Downey Unified School District. Downey has an intentionally mixed technology environment with the purpose of exposing its students to many different platforms, productivity suites, operating systems, and devices. Teachers at Downey felt they couldn’t effectively classroom manage when students were using technology. As a result, they didn’t use their classroom devices as often as they could to properly prepare students for life in the 21st century. Sound familiar?

Now imagine a tool that serves as a window into student activity in a digital Learning environment, and what that could mean for your classroom. In our session, you will learn how Josh Davis, Instructional Coach at Downey USD, implemented a solution in which students can learn and explore digitally and teachers feel confident managing digital Learning.

Register here for our showcase session, Session 8: Goodbye Distractions, Hello Engagement: Monitoring your digital Learning environment and Microsoft’s other showcase(s).

If you’re at BETT next week, be sure to come find us!
