Bring the most preferred K-12 web filtering solution* to your school or district.

More than 117,000 educators use GoGuardian Admin to establish secure learning environments and protect over 12.7M students online.

Here’s how we can help your school or district:

Protect students from harmful content.

Block unwanted distractions automatically.

Create personalized learning environments with flexible filtering at the individual student or group levels.

Share a student’s activity with an integrated parent app.

Gain actionable insights across your district and schools.

Unlock the power of educational sites like YouTube.

*2022 third party survey of K12 education decision makers. Of those surveyed, GoGuardian Admin ranked highest among satisfaction and Net Promoter Score amongst key competitors. Report is dated April 2022. Research was conducted March/April 2022.

Request a Demo

“With the recent release... of AI enhancements such as proxies we're finding things that no other filter on the market I believe could find. Holes that I thought that I had plugged as an IT director students would have found a way around those holes.”

Mike Daugherty, Director of Technology at Chargrin Falls School District

“What's not to like about GoGuardian Admin? It has all the features that we want in one single pane of glass. We're able to encourage positive digital citizenship.”

Gary Lambert, Director of 21st Century Learning at Beekmantown Central School District