May 20, 2024

Snoozing Active Planning Alerts

GoGuardian Beacon

Snoozing Active Planning Alerts

The Beacon team has expanded the capability to snooze Active Planning (AP) alerts for Beacon Core and 24/7 customers. The snooze feature is used to suppress future alerts for a specific URL or domain. When a user is confident that the URL or domain is safe and no longer wants Beacon to surface alerts they can choose to snooze for a specific student or for all students within the deployment. They can also choose the duration that Beacon should snooze the URL or domain (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, or indefinitely).

Given the critical nature of AP alerts, we have three guardrails to limit accidental use of snooze:

(a) Alerts can only be snoozed by Super Counselors and Super Users

(b) URLs can only be snoozed up to a month for AP alerts, and cannot be snoozed indefinitely

(c) Major domains such as google.com, docs.google.com, gmail.com cannot be snoozed

Only specific URLs (e.g. specific Google doc) can be snoozed. Please note that AP alerts will not have the option to be snoozed indefinitely.

For more information, read this Help Center article.

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