Building Social Emotional Learning Skills for Life!
Ms. Graff
Chicago High School for the Arts
Currently, I teach 9th grade students who come from all 50 wards of the city of Chicago who attend the only public arts high school in our city. My students are in school from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm learning academics and studying their art with limited breaks throughout the school day.My students come to school each day with various social-emotional needs but lack the tools and techniques they need to independently advocate for their needs and wants throughout the school day.
My project is to purchase educational instructional materials and games from Social Thinking.
These materials will help me provide direct instruction to my students so they can practice their social skills in the classroom, learn strategies they can use when I am not present to advocate what they need from teachers to manage their emotions in a learning environment, and understand the effects of their choices when they have social interactions with peers and adults.
Thank you very much for your support in making my classroom more accessible and accommodating for my students!