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New Feature
May 7, 2022

Bubble Sheets and Reference Materials

Pear Assessment

An example of an Edulastic bubble sheet

Bubble Sheets

Now all educators with Premium accounts can print and use bubble sheets with their Edulastic assignments. Bubble sheets offer a way for students to provide responses on paper. After collecting the bubble sheets, teachers can scan the responses back into Edulastic to take advantage of Edulastic's automatic grading and reports.
To generate a bubble sheet, you may assign an assessment like they normally would. Then, on the Live Class Board, you can choose to print bubble sheets from the additional options dropdown menu in the upper right corner.

Note: Multiple choice-type questions are supported by bubble sheets.

Reference Materials

Looking to give students the periodic table or another material to reference throughout an assignment or assessment? Add a reference material to an assignment or test for students to view at any point while they are working through the assignment or test. 

From the assessment settings page, an instructor can upload an image or PDF that is up to 2MB. While working on the assignment, the student can click on a button on the top menu to access the reference. The reference pops up in the students' current window and is both draggable and resizable.

These are a part of our new features for 2022 back-to-school season.